Books for Seniors, Music for Seniors
Books to lighten a lonely day, to share with a friend, and music for Golden-Agers and Seniors; Nostalgia, Remembrances; 1930's-40's-50's
news, Hollywood, radio
From the grandparents that edit the "I Want To Know" and "Plain Talk" series of information pages for seniors.
Books for Seniors Books for nursing home residents
Notes from Our Bookshelf:If the person you visit or spend time with was a Chicagoan years ago, this book will inspire hours of pleasant memories to talk about and share.
Chicago Days: 150 Defining Moments in the Life of a Great City
by Chicago Tribune; paperback; 288 pg.; 1996
"Journey back through time to relive events that shaped the Chicago metropolitan area and contributed to its world-class reputation."
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Notes from Our Bookshelf:This another one of those great idea books for generating
hours of reminiscences. Even if your elder friend isn't a New Yorker, almost everyone knows the city and has memories associated with New York.
New York : An Illustrated History
by Ric Burns, James Sanders, Lisa Ades; 2003; paperback; 640 pg; 2003
"A ravishing book . . . It can easily fill a winter of reading and browsing." —New York Times
"PBS darling Ric Burns (brother of Ken) teamed up with James Sanders and Lisa Ades to produce this spectacular volume and the accompanying 12-hour series. "
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Notes from Our Bookshelf:There's nothing like a good mystery, with a twist of comedy, told in the style of 1940's melodramas. and absolutly G-rated. Try reading this aloud to someone you love, and you'll both share many laughs.
The Musical Comedy Murders of 1940
by John Bishop; paperback; 1998
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Notes from Our Bookshelf:Everybody likes to remember Christmas, and this book brings memories and ideas to the fore with photos and stories. A great conversation starter, especially around the holidays.
Christmas, 1940-1959:
A Collector's Guide to Decorations and Customs
by Robert Brenner; paperback;160pp; 2002
This in-depth review of Christmas history and traditions in the United States covers a period that most Americans remember well. Everyone will appreciate this nostalgic look at Christmas decorating customs, electric lighting innovations, and tree decorations, all of which changed drastically as a result of World War II.
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Notes from Our Bookshelf:Do you know someone who was in England during the 1930's? Or someone who enjoys British mysteries based in the 1930's, like Agatha Christie, Poirot, etc? If so, this is a perfect book to bring back many memories. WW II nostalgia.
1930'S Scrapbook
by Robert Opie; hardcover; 59pp; 1997
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Notes from Our Bookshelf:Remember this old movie, that old movie? The costumes you'll find in this book take you back to the most lavish productions. A great conversation starter.
Costume Design in the Movies :
An Illustrated Guide to the Work of 157 Great Designers
by William H. Nesbitt, Philip L. Wright; spiralbound; 228pp 2003
Fascinating, comprehensive reference work—lavishly illustrated—provides biographical/career data for major American, British and French designers since 1909: Theoni V. Aldredge (The Great Gatsby), Edith Head, (The Greatest Show on Earth), Orry-Kelly (An American in Paris), Irene Sharaff (Funny Girl) and many others.
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Notes from Our Bookshelf:Remembering the Great Depression doesn't have to be all sad stories; there were great stories about how families weathered the times together and lived simpler lives. Don't let the farming aspect of this book put you off if your loved one was never a farmer; the Depression are reached everyone, and that's what this is about.
Sunny Side Up:
Fond Memories of Prairie Life in the 1930's
by Eileen Comstock; paperback; 180pp 2002
The Great Depression of the 1930s was devastating for the prairie regions of North America, but many people who grew up through those years treasure their memories of the good times they had. SUNNY SIDE UP looks at the brighter side of the Depression, bringing together stories of close-knit families, strong friendships, and prairie ingenuity.
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Notes from Our Bookshelf:Grandmas and grandpas, this one's for you. As a grandfather myself, I couldn't think of a book I'd like more than this to receive from my grandsons. A great selection of contributors, chapters on all the important things in life like learning and giving.
Chicken Soup for the Golden Soul:
Heartwarming Stories for People 60 and Over
by Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, Paul Meyer, Barbara Chesser, Amy Seeger, Paul J. Meyer, Barbara Russell Chesser paperback; 350pp 2002
This collection offers readers loving insights and wisdom--all centering on the prime of life. Contributors to this volume include Erma Bombeck, Ruth Stafford Peale, Tom Landry, Florence Littauer, Roy Rogers and Max Lucado. Readers of all ages are sure to cherish this invaluable collection as a reminder that the soul of those young at heart is truly "golden."
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Hometown Tales: Recollections of Kindness, Peace and Joy
by Philip Gulley; 2001; hardcover; 224pp
In this sequel to his immensely popular bestseller Front Porch Tales, Quaker writer Philip Gulley envelops readers once again in a rare world of plainspoken and honest values. These tender stories of his life are gathered around the enduring themes of the great spiritual virtues: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Each story reminds us how we long for such virtues in a world sorely in need of the love and hope they bring.
With his folksy style and rustic ear, Gulley treats his readers to a great variety of personalities -- from the loveable to the eccentric -- who make small town life fascinating. Readers will discover a simpler way of life, where things are less complicated and folks care for one another and are willing to do what is right -- no matter the cost.
Once again, a beautiful book Hometown Tales is another book full of wonderful tales about life. Beautiful stories that remind us to sit back for a second, look around us, and take it all in. Philip Guelly truley understands what it means to appreciate the little things in life. His stories get you thinking about the all the things we take and have taken for granted...about memories long past...and how to make this life a little better for ourselves. And most importantly, he always remindes you that there's someone up above looking out for us."
Viva vamp!:
A book of photographs in praise of vamps from Mae West to Marilyn Monroe, from Marlene Dietrich to Brigitte Bardot
by Paul Flora; 1960;
Color Photographs : A Postcard Folio Book (Ansel Adams Folio Book Series)
by Ansel Adams; 1995; 64pp
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