If you're looking for a nursing home in Washington, chances are you'll find it here.
You will also find helpful info about long term facilities, like articles about money and cost questions, how to choose a provider, and how Medicare and Medicaid work -and don't work-- for nursing home costs.
Most of our listing data come from federal resources like Medicare.gov and state records as in the Aging and Long-Term Support Administration of the Washington State Department of Social and Health Services.
Among people turning 65 today, 69 percent will need some form of long-term care, whether in the
community or in a residential care facility.
The number of nursing homes in Washington State, with 21,053 beds.
US News Best Nursing Homes: Washington State
"At the top of the Washington nursing homes list are those with a rating of five stars from the federal Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services for their overall performance in health inspections, nurse staffing and quality of medical care. About 26 percent of all nursing homes in Washington earned an overall five-star rating...." 'Nursing Homes in Washington | US News Best Nursing Homes
Moving into a Long Term Care Facility
"Here are some ways you can help someone you love make a smooth transition to living in a long term care facility.
Moving to a long term care facility is often difficult for an older adult. But there are many things family members and friends can do to reduce the physical and emotional stresses involved. They can help plan the move, participate on the day of the move, and provide love and support after the move....." See the complete article at the Washington Health Care Association
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care pages:

In memory of Dad
This page is about Nursing Homes in Washington State.