
nursing homesWhat is a nursing home family council?

A family council is a group of families and friends that work to make life in a facility better for the residents.

Its Families Working Together

We first learned about these wonderful opportunities for families to work together when Mom had to enter a nursing home. Before that, when Dad was a nursing home resident, we knew nothing about them.

A family council is a group of families and friends that work to make life in a facility better for the residents. They have a voice in decision making by speaking in one united voice. Together, they are stronger than any one person. The more people work together, the stronger the voice.

A family council is at its best when it works as a partner with the nursing home staff. While this may not always be possible, it should certainly be the goal. When councils and staff work together, they get much more done than those that act like opposing teams.

What a Family Council IS, and what it is NOT.

A family council IS NOT a support group. Its not a social event organizer, or a volunteer worker group.

IT CAN act as an advocate on behalf of residents and families, serve as a sounding board on new ideas, and take action on concerns or complaints.

Family Council Rights
Federal law and regulations provide families with powerful rights relating to family councils. These regulations apply to all nursing homes that receive Medicare and/or Medicaid funds ("certified" facilities).

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