Ionia County, MI | |
Belding (in Ionia County) | |
Metron Of Belding 414 E State St Belding MI 48809 (616) 794-0460 | For Profit - Corporation Medicare And Medicaid 128 Resident Council Only Not in a hospital Not in a Continuing Care Retirement Community (CCRC) |
Ionia (in Ionia County) | |
Heartland Health Care Center-Ionia 814 E Lincoln Ave Ionia MI 48846 (616) 527-0080 | For Profit - Corporation Medicare And Medicaid 107 Resident Council Only Not in a hospital Not in a Continuing Care Retirement Community (CCRC) |
Kent County, MI | |
Cedar Springs (in Kent County) | |
Metron Of Cedar Springs 400 Jeffrey Cedar Springs MI 49319 (616) 696-0170 | For Profit - Corporation Medicare And Medicaid 77 Resident Council Only Not in a hospital Not in a Continuing Care Retirement Community (CCRC) |
Grand Rapids (in Kent County) | |
Grand Rapids listings are in a separate directory:
Grand Rapids, MI Nursing Homes and Rehab Facilities www.dibbern.com/nursing-homes/michigan/grand-rapids-nursing-homes-directory.htmFind Nursing Homes, TCUs and Rehab Facilities in Grand Rapids. Easy to use, no sign-up and FREE | |
Grandville (in Kent County) | |
Brookcrest 3400 Wilson Ave Grandville MI 49418 (616) 534-5487 | Non Profit - Corporation Medicare And Medicaid 130 Resident Council Only Not in a hospital Located in a Continuing Care Retirement Community (CCRC) |
Lowell (in Kent County) | |
Laurels Of Kent (The) 350 N Center St Lowell MI 49331 (616) 897-8473 | For Profit - Corporation Medicare And Medicaid 153 Resident Council Only Not in a hospital Not in a Continuing Care Retirement Community (CCRC) |
Wyoming (in Kent County) | |
Heartland Health Care Center-Crestview 625 36th St Sw Wyoming MI 49509 (616) 531-0200 | For Profit - Corporation Medicare And Medicaid 92 Resident Council Only Not in a hospital Not in a Continuing Care Retirement Community (CCRC) |
Tendercare Health & Rehab Center Of Wyoming 2786 56 Street, Sw Wyoming MI 49418 (616) 261-3960 | For Profit - Corporation Medicare And Medicaid 80 Resident Council Only Not in a hospital Not in a Continuing Care Retirement Community (CCRC) |
Lake County, MI | |
Baldwin (in Lake County) | |
Grand Oaks Nursing Center 600 Denmark St Baldwin MI 49304 (231) 745-4648 | For Profit - Corporation Medicare And Medicaid 79 Resident Council Only Not in a hospital Not in a Continuing Care Retirement Community (CCRC) |
Mecosta County, MI | |
Big Rapids (in Mecosta County) | |
Altercare Of Big Rapids Ctr For Rehab & Nursing Ca 805 West Ave Big Rapids MI 49307 (231) 796-3185 | For Profit - Corporation Medicare And Medicaid 100 Resident Council Only Not in a hospital Not in a Continuing Care Retirement Community (CCRC) |
Metron Of Big Rapids 725 W Fuller Big Rapids MI 49307 (231) 796-2631 | For Profit - Corporation Medicare And Medicaid 100 Resident Council Only Not in a hospital Not in a Continuing Care Retirement Community (CCRC) |
Montcalm County, MI | |
Carson City (in Montcalm County) | |
Laurels Of Carson City 620 North Second Street Carson City MI 48811 (989) 584-6100 | For Profit - Corporation Medicare And Medicaid 82 Resident and Family Councils Not in a hospital Not in a Continuing Care Retirement Community (CCRC) |
Greenville (in Montcalm County) | |
Metron Of Greenville 828 E Washington St Greenville MI 48838 (616) 754-7186 | For Profit - Corporation Medicare And Medicaid 120 Resident Council Only Not in a hospital Not in a Continuing Care Retirement Community (CCRC) |
Spectrum Health Rehab & Nsg Ctrs-United Hospital 615 S Bower St Greenville MI 48838 (616) 225-6590 | Non Profit - Corporation Medicare And Medicaid 39 Resident Council Only In a hospita Not in a Continuing Care Retirement Community (CCRC) |
Lakeview (in Montcalm County) | |
Spectrum Health Rehab & Nsg Ctrs-Kelsey Hospital 418 Washington Ave Lakeview MI 48850 (989) 352-7211 | Non Profit - Other Medicare And Medicaid 31 Resident Council Only In a hospita Not in a Continuing Care Retirement Community (CCRC) |
Newaygo County, MI | |
Fremont (in Newaygo County) | |
Newaygo Co Medical Care Facili 4465 W 48th St Fremont MI 49412 (231) 924-2020 | Government - County Medicare And Medicaid 116 Resident and Family Councils Not in a hospital Not in a Continuing Care Retirement Community (CCRC) |
Transitional Health Services Of Fremont 4554 W 48th St Fremont MI 49412 (231) 924-3990 | For Profit - Partnership Medicare And Medicaid 129 Resident Council Only Not in a hospital Not in a Continuing Care Retirement Community (CCRC) |
Osceola County, MI | |
Reed City (in Osceola County) | |
Spectrum Health - Reed City Ca 300 North Patterson Rd Reed City MI 49677 (231) 832-7127 | Non Profit - Corporation Medicare And Medicaid 50 Resident Council Only In a hospita Not in a Continuing Care Retirement Community (CCRC) |
Medicare/Medicaid Nursing Homes & Skilled Nursing in
Grand Rapids Area and Western Michigan
Looking for a Nursing Home near Grand Rapids? See our 7-county directory of Medicare/Medicaid registered nursing homes in central and western Michigan. Skilled nursing and rehab facilities are included.
Search this website:

Grand Rapids area nursing homes are in Ionia, Kent, Lake, Mecosta, Montcalm, Newaygo and Osceola counties.

The number of nursing homes in the seven county Grand Rapids area, with 3,612 beds.
Our family likes these
Really, Really Helpful Books About Nursing Homes

TAKE THAT NURSING HOME AND SHOVE IT!: How To Secure An Independent Future For Yourself And Your Loved Ones

paperback, about $15.00
...read more

Federal & National Info Links About Nursing Homes
- Ensuring Quality Nursing Home Care (American Geriatrics Society) - PDF
- Eldercare at Home: Choosing a Nursing Home (AGS Foundation for Health in Aging)
- Your Guide to Choosing a Nursing Home or Other Long-Term Care (Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services) - PDF
- How Much Care Will You Need? (Long-Term Care) (Dep't of Health and Human Services)
- Nursing Home Checklist (Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services) - PDF
- Senior Residence Tour Checklist (American Academy of Family Physicians)
Contact Your Long Term Care Ombudsman
- An Ombudsman is a trained individual who helps protect the RIGHTS of older Floridians living in long-term care facilities. Get the contact info: Michigan Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program
VIDEO: Why and What of the Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program
(source: The Consumer Voice/NORC)FACTOID
Among people turning 65 today, 69 percent will need some form of long-term care, whether in the
community or in a residential care facility.
This is a list of the Medicare and Medicaid nursing homes located in the specific state or city according to the Compare Nursing Homes database from CMS (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services) at medicare.gov. Use this list only for basic information about nursing homes in your locale. We recommend the Nursing Home Compare feature at www.medicare.gov for detailed information. Due not use this web site as the basis for any decision or action about nursing facilities or care. We are not making any recommendation or giving advice in any way.

The Dibbern Family
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This page is about Nursing Homes in Western Michigan.

In memory of Dad
Nursing Home Costs and Paying For Nursing Care
- Costs and How to Pay (Long-Term Care) (Administration on Aging)
- Who Pays for Long-Term Care? (Department of Health and Human Services)
The number of nursing homes in Michigan, with 46,356 beds.
Michigan Hospice
- Hospice and Palliative Care (Hospice and Palliative Care Association of Michigan)
Grand Rapids Area Michigan Senior Health Care Links
Area Agencies on Aging are the central resource for elder services. They can help you either directly or by referring you to the appropriate agency in your area.- Area Agency on Aging of Western Michigan (AAAWM) (Allegan, Ionia, Kent, Lake, Mason, Mecosta, Montcalm, Newaygo and Osceola counties)
Michigan State Senior Health Links
More Michigan Nursing Homes
More Care Pages for the Detroit area
- Adult Day Care
- Michigan Continuing Care Retirement Communities
- Detroit Home Health Care
- Hospice