If you're looking for a retirement community in South Carolina, chances are you'll find it here. Click in the map or select a county from the list.

If you're looking for a retirement community in South Carolina, chances are you'll find it here. Click in the map or select a county from the list.
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This is a list of Continuing Care Retirement Communities (CCRCs) located in the specific state or city according to public association and government agency records. Use this list only for basic information about CCRCs in your locale. Do not use this web site as the basis for any decision or action about CCRCs or care. We are not making any recommendation or giving advice in any way.
CCRCs are communities that provide a continuum of care to older adults under a contract for the life of an individual or for a period longer than one year. Typically there are three levels/stages of care offered by CCRCs:
CCRCs are generally a collection of apartments, town homes, or cottages and include common activity areas such as a library, activity and craft rooms, a restaurant-like dining room, an assisted living facility, and a nursing home.
Adapted from "Continuing Care Retirement Communities 2016 Reference Guide", published by the North Carolina Department of Insurance
A large majority of the Continuing Care Retirement Communities (CCRCs) in South Carolina are owned by non-profit organization and corporations. Non-profits make up a whopping 70% of all the South Carolina CCRCs in our listings.
Out of that 70% total, roughly one-half are owned by faith-based non-profits.
"This type of community is different from other housing and care options for older people, it offers... housing, services, and nursing care, usually all in one location." source: CARF International