PACE=Programs of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly.

Your Prescription Drugs and PACE

Bearded Man in PACE Program

Your Prescription Drugs and PACE

Prescribed medications, supplies and equipment.

Your PACE Center can manage your prescription, supplies and medical equipment needs.

At a glance:

  • Your PACE Center will offer Medicare Part D prescription drug coverage. If you are in a PACE program, you'll get your drugs and all other necessary medication from the PACE program. When you are in a PACE program, you don't need a separate Medicare drug plan.
  • In most cases, PACE provides your medically necessary medications without co-payments and without a donut hole in coverage.
  • PACE programs usually provide necessary Medical supplies and equipment.
  • Everyone's situation is unique. The benefits we listed above assume that you financially qualify for the program. Always check with your PACE Center to see what your personal care plan will cover.

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"PACE families experience a program that provides and coordinates all the types of care your loved one needs, so you don't have to place them in a nursing home." source: National PACE Association

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